
1. Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and the integration of gender in the peace and security policy.

  • Promoting gender mainstreaming in areas related to peace and security.
  • Organization or participation in the preparation of international events in Slovenia and abroad, which will emphasize the importance of gender mainstreaming in areas related to peace and security.
  • Encouraging and supporting international activities of Slovenian male and female experts on various issues in the area of gender equality and on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.
  • Financial support for the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, within the budgetary capacities of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Strengthened project and activity support of Slovenian non-governmental organizations and other development stakeholders in the area of gender equality, the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, and thus women’s empowerment in this area, as well as in the de-mining and rehabilitation of mine victims areas, and the integration of the gender perspective into all activities of the Slovenian development cooperation.
  • Integration of gender equality as a cross-cutting topic of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and the introduction of the area of peace and security in international development cooperation and humanitarian aid.
  • In the context of reporting on the EU Gender Action Plan II 2016-2020, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as the national coordinator of international development cooperation and humanitarian aid, will pay attention to changes in institutional culture and guidelines for further improvements at operational and management level regarding gender perspective mainstream.
  • Consistent gender perspective mainstream into the planning and implementation of project activities, monitoring and reporting on implementation also in the project evaluation phase.

2. Women involved in peace and security area.

  • Emphasizing the importance of the women's role which can significantly contribute to added value in the preparation and implementation of activities related to peace and security within international organizations and other international events.
  • Encouraging Slovenian female citizens/employees in the public sector and employees of the judicial authorities of the Republic of Slovenia to participate in international operations and missions, in the electoral observation and in other forms of referrals at the international level.
  • Promoting referrals or supporting the female experts of the Republic of Slovenia to international organization secretariats.
  • Maintaining balanced gender representation at the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Slovenia.
  • Encouragement and support in the participation of Slovenian female experts in the field of peace and security in different national activities,
  • Raising awareness on the importance of women's participation in peace and security in Slovenia, including the event organization for the general public, the preparation of publications, articles and other forms of awareness.
  • Maintaining or increasing the proportion of female members of the SAF and the Police Force. 
  • Promoting the equal participation of women in decision-making processes in peace and security related areas.

3. Women and girls protection before the conflict, between and after the conflict, and elimination of sexual violence and gender based violence related to conflicts.

  • Defending the importance of women and girls protection and protecting their rights before conflict, during and after the conflict, including the support of stakeholders in the international community. 
  • Drawing attention to the inadmissibility of sexual violence and gender related violence in conflicts, including the effort support of various stakeholders in the international community. 
  • Encouraging the increased men and boys role in preventing violence against women and girls before conflict, during and after the conflict, and in the elimination of sexual violence and gender-based violence related to conflict.
  • Strengthened support for projects and activities of Slovenian non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders in the area of preventing violence against women and girls, especially during times of crisis, armed conflicts or in the post-crisis areas.

4. Education and training in the field of Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

  • Within the framework of the UN, NATO, EU and the OSCE, the Republic of Slovenia will continue to support the importance of raising awareness, education and training in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and integrate the gender perception to peace and security related areas, emphasis the added value of women's participation in decision-making processes, plan and implement conflict prevention activities, peace-keeping and peace-building activities, preventive diplomacy activities as well as raise attention to the different needs of women and men in areas affected by conflicts on the issue of conflict-related gender violence, responsibility for gender crimes and the importance of preventing sexual exploitation and abuse by members of international operations and missions.
  • Training of SAF male and female personnel in the framework of Nato Certified International Education Institutes.
  • General public awareness-raising in the Republic of Slovenia, including global learning, the importance of gender mainstreaming in to peace and security related areas, organization of public events, conferences, exhibitions and publications of articles, press releases on relevant international days, etc.
  • Education on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda and on the importance of gender mainstreaming in the areas of conflict prevention, peacekeeping and peace building, preventive diplomacy, the fight against terrorism, violent extremism and radicalization, and in the area of migration and trafficking in human beings
  • In the course of trainings for male and female members of the SAF and CFS, prior being seconded to international operations and missions, they will be informed about the importance of preventing sexual violence and gender based violence in conflict responsibly.
  • Awareness-raising and training of health personnel in the framework of the education, training and awareness system on the importance of gender mainstreaming, violence recognition, including sexual violence, violent extremism and radicalization, and trafficking in human beings. 

5. Responsibility for the prevention and prosecution of perpetrators of sexual violence and gender based violence related to conflicts.

  • Commitment to prosecute those responsible for sexual violence and gender based violence, and to eliminate the culture of impunity within international forums, even when dealing with individual situations or countries.
  • Support to the International Criminal Court and its activities.
  • Male and female members of the SAF and CFS seconded on international operations and missions or performing military tasks outside the state or in relation to it, are liable in discipline, criminal and damages in accordance with the Republic of Slovenia legislation (the Defense Code provision and the Operational Rules of Slovenian Army Forces). Male and female members of the SAF are obliged to respect the legal order of the Republic of Slovenia and the laws and customs of the host country (insofar they are not in conflict with the current legislation of the Republic of Slovenia).
  • In the framework of the Ministry of Defense/Slovenian Army Forces, carry out checks prior to the departure of male and female members to international operations and missions of impunity for criminal offenses (including offenses relating to sexual integrity or violation of human rights law or international humanitarian law) and/or serious violations of military discipline (including sexual harassment) and that they have completed the required training before being seconded to the international operation and mission.
  • Creation of a mechanism for monitoring and reporting on violence, harassment, hate speech and threats to migrants and their advocates, broken down by gender, ethnic and religious identity.


The Slovenian NAP is focused on affirming Slovenia’s position in the international community. It is an outward-focused plan, intent on identifying where Slovenia can support and contribute to international efforts to implement the WPS agenda. While there is an awareness that international rhetoric without domestic action would not be legitimate, the aspects of the plan that focus on Slovenia’s ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Health sound particularly focused on facilitating and contributing to international dialogue on WPS. Further, the Slovenian NAP is positioned in the context of other international challenges such as the refugee crisis and increased migration across the Mediterranean, and a changing threat from terrorism. While these security issues matter and are important to look at from a gendered perspective, the overall tone of Slovenia’s WPS plan differs from many of the other plans in its focus on international action and relative lack of focus on internal institutional change within Slovenia.

Peacekeeping Statistics:

Experts on Mission: 0 out of 3

Troops: 0 out of 6




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