Albania’s most recent NAP ran from 2018-2022. It is not clear whether a further NAP is in process of being developed.

Objectives/Aims of the Albanian NAP 2018-2020:

Vision: An Albanian society where women have a reinforced role and are actively involved in maintaining peace, conflict prevention and resolution, and a society that makes a sustainable contribution at the international level, guaranteeing the rights of women involved in conflict situations.

Mission: Increasing women representation and engagement in the security sector by reducing gender stereotypes of women’s participation in the security field decision-making processes and enhancing the country's contribution to international policy that guarantees the rights of women and girls involved in conflict and post-conflict situations.


1. Improving policy documents and raising awareness on the WPS agenda:

∙ Strengthen integration of the gender perspective through internal rules of procedure in national security and defence and participation in national and international activities for the implementation of Resolution 1325,

∙ Integrate a gender perspective into educational programs for the implementation of Resolution 1325,

∙ Raise awareness on Resolution 1325 and its implementation.

2. Participation:

∙ Inclusion of a gender balance in security sector activities,

∙Increase representation of women in decision-making activities and processes related to the preservation of security and peace.

3. Protection and rehabilitation:

∙Promote the protection of women and girl victims of gender-based violence related to armed conflicts and post-conflict situations in other countries,

∙ Ensure the protection of Albanian women and girl victims of war, including post conflict rehabilitation.

4. Implementation and monitoring of Resolution 1325:

∙ Improve cooperation for the implementation and monitoring of Resolution 1325 (and other related resolutions),

∙ Support the full implementation of Resolution 1325 and other related Resolutions.


Each objective details which agencies are responsible for listed actions, together with progress indicators, a deadline and a budget for implementation. It recognizes the need to support women’s career trajectories throughout security and police forces, a key step in promoting gender-sensitive security policy and transitional justice and peace-building initiatives. The NAP also pays attention to the domestic post-conflict setting and the continued need to implement gender-sensitive justice initiatives while also supporting 1325 implementation overseas and in other transitional justice processes.

In October 2019 a progress review of the 2018-2020 NAP was published.  While this showed that since launching the NAP, the number of women officers in the army had increased by 8% and non-commissioned officers by 10.7%, there was still work to do.  

Civil society engagement in development of the 2018-2020 NAP:

Civil society is mentioned throughout the document, especially in the first strategic objective about education in gender-sensitive approaches to peace and security. However, the government sector is still listed as the primary implementer, and civil society voices were not widely included in the drafting and consultation process during the development of this plan.

UN Peacekeeping Statistics:

In May 2023 Albania contributed 2 peacekeepers both of whom are male staff officers

Women’s role in peacekeeping:

In October 2019 a progress review of the 2018-2020 was published.  While this showed that since launching the NAP, the number of women officers in the Albanian armed forces had increased by 8% and non-commissioned officers by 10.7%, there was still work to do.  


NAPAlbania2018.pdf (

The first report on the implementation of Resolution 1325 in Albania launched | UN Women – Europe and Central Asia

United Nations Peacekeeping. (May 2023): Troop and police contributors | United Nations Peacekeeping

Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type (May 2023): 05-Missions Detailed By Country

Breakdown by gender of countries’ contribution of Military Observers and Staff Officers to missions (March 2023): operational effect and women peacekeepers (

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