El Salvador
The first National Action Plan was adopted in 2017 for the period 2017-2022. While El Salvador has announced an updated version covering the period 2022-2024, no such document is available online.
Objectives of the 2017-2022 NAP
Five strategic areas are identified, as listed below; each of these is supported by several sub-objectives:
1. Participation:
- Promote the equal participation of women in peace processes and in decision-making regarding peace and national and international security.
- Generate conditions for the effective participation of women in state institutions.
2. Prevention
- Include the gender perspective in conflict prevention efforts within contexts of citizen insecurity and social violence.
- Formulate and implement mechanisms for early detection and prevention of violence against women and girls, in contexts of social violence, with special emphasis on the prevention of sexual violence.
3. Protection
- Generate and promote measures to guarantee the protection of the rights of women and girls in contexts of social violence.
4. Reparation and restitution of rights.
- Promote the implementation of measures for reparation and restitution of rights to women who are victims of armed conflict.
5. Strengthen the implementation of Resolution 1325.
- Guarantee the application and follow-up of the agenda regarding women, peace and security in all the sectors involved.
The most recent armed conflict in the history of this country occurred between 1980 and 1992, with the Chapultepec Peace Accords concluding the civil war. The National Action Plan adopted in 2017 introduced a series of actions to strengthen El Salvador’s efforts towards achieving the goals of Resolution 1325.
The NAP includes a matrix setting out indicators and time span for implementation of the various activities, together with details of the agency responsible for implementation. However, no budget is given for the activities.
Civil society involvement in developing the NAP:
In 2015, a consultation of civil society was held in San Salvador City, El Salvador. Throughout 2016, according to reports, multiple non-governmental representatives from El Salvador, Guatemala or Colombia, were involved in the drafting process, through a series of forums and workshops. These are just some of the examples where civil society was involved in the drafting process. Civil society actors became a crucial part of the National Committee for the Implementation of the National Action Plan.
UN Peacekeeping statistics:
As of September 2024, El Salvador contributed 81 UN peacekeeping personnel, of which 18 were women.
Women in peacekeeping:
The first NAP of El Salvador aims to strengthen the country’s efforts towards increasing women’s equal and full participation in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peacebuilding and peacekeeping processes. It also introduces actions, indicators and a specific timeframe for monitoring the implementation of Resolution 1325 and the WPS agenda.
References and sources:
El Salvador NAP 2017-2022, English translation: El Salvador NAP
UN Women Global Study on the Implementation of Resolution 1325 in El Salvador, 2015: Global Study Consultation - El Salvador Civil Society | Global study on the implementation of UN Security Council resolution 1325 (unwomen.org)
United Nations Peacekeeping. (2024). Troop and police contributors | United Nations Peacekeeping (as of 30 September 2024): https://peacekeeping.un.org/sites/default/files/02_country_ranking_78_september_2024.pdf