
Estonia’s first NAP covered 2010-2014, the second 2015-2019, and the most recent NAP was approved in 2021 for the period 2020-2025.

Estonia’s 2020-2025 NAP has four groups of objectives:

  • Co-operation, exchange of information, and promotion of the objectives of Resolution 1325 at the international level;
  • Support for women’s human rights and women’s empowerment in conflict and post-conflict areas; 
  • Increasing sectoral expertise in the field of women, peace, and security in agencies and raising awareness in Estonia in general; 
  • Increasing the representation of women in positions related to ensuring peace and security in Estonia, including opportunities to participate in international military and civilian operations.

The NAP includes a matrix setting out activities within these four broad objectives, together with a monitoring indicator, and details of which agency is responsible for implementation.  The NAP does not include a budget for implementing the activities.


Estonia has had two previous National Action Plans, since its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The country does not have a recent history of armed conflict but has taken part in numerous international missions. Recently, the country’s foreign policy efforts have been challenged by the ongoing tensions with Russia and its operations in the Baltic Sea Region.

Civil Society involvement in development of the NAP:

The NAP states the involvement of civil society in the drafting process. However, it is not clear which civil society actors were considered in this development.

UN Peacekeeping statistics:

As of September 2024, Estonia provided two UN peacekeeping personnel, of which was one woman.

Women in Peacekeeping:

As stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eva-Maria Liimets, this NAP emphasises the importance of raising awareness about the need for gender equality in peace and security, both domestically and externally. It aims to improve the cooperation of different governmental actors in Estonia and increase the participation of women, as a priority for Estonia’s human rights policy. By integrating a gender perspective in international missions and public awareness initiatives, Estonia is further strengthening its efforts towards the implementation of Resolution 1325.

References and sources:

Estonia NAP 2020-2025 English translation:  Microsoft Word - EE NAP Women Peace Security 2020-2025 ENG (

Government approves UNSC domestic action plan on women's rights - ERR News

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The government approved the action plan for women, peace and security presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

United Nations Peacekeeping. (2024). Troop and police contributors | United Nations Peacekeeping ‌(as of 30 September 2024):

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