In 2019 Ethiopia committed to development of a WPS NAP by August 2020. Preparations have started with the setting up of a technical committee to oversee the process. UN Women's Ethiopia Country Office (ECO) conducted an assessment of different actors working on WPS in the country. This showed there are many CSOs interested in working on WPS that should be included in development of the NAP. ECO is supporting a CSO to organize awareness raising and capacity building activities amongst stakeholders, and for promotion of the WPS agenda.
Further progress on this NAP has not yet been made available. This page will be completed as and when news of the NAP arises.
UN Peacekeeping Statistics:
Despite not having a NAP, Ethiopia has been one of the largest contributors of UN peacekeeping personnel. In Sept 2023, Ethiopia ranked 12th largest, with 1504 deployed troops (no breakdown by gender), 1493 of which were with UNMISS (United Nations Mission in South Sudan.)
In May 2023, Ethiopia was contributing 1480 personnel, disaggregated by gender as follows:

References and sources:
Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission, and Personnel Type (May 2023): 05-Missions Detailed By Country
UN Women, 2022: Developing a national action plan on women, peace and security in Ethiopia. | Publications | UN Women – Africa
UN Background summary report on development of Ethiopia WPS NAP (in English) English NAP background brief UN Women ECO 2022_0.pdf
UN Background full report on development of Ethiopia WPS NAP (in English) English NAP background document UN Women ECO 2022.pdf