Rwanda’s first WPS National Action Plane was launched in 2009 for period 2009-2012.  The current NAP is for 2018-2022.

Objectives/Aims of the 2018-2022 NAP:

The NAP has five overarching objectives, each with a subset of outputs:

1. Meaningful and increased participation of women at decision - making levels in all institutions and mechanisms of governance, in particular at local levels:

∙ Increased and influence of women in local governance institutions mechanisms;

∙ Increased participation and influence of women at strategic levels in the forces (defence, police and correctional services);

∙ Mechanisms for women’s participation in economic structures are strengthened.

2. Increased efforts in conflict and SGBV prevention at the local level:

∙ Increased public awareness on GBV issues;

∙ Improved accountability mechanisms for GBV at the local level;

∙ Gender responsive early warning and conflict prevention mechanisms established.

3. Effective and operational Isange One Stop Centres across the country that provide free and comprehensive services to SGBV victims:

∙ Improved capacity of the legal/justice sector in the management of sexual violence cases;

∙ Increased accountability of IOSCs in providing timely and comprehensive services.

4. Increased accountability for gender in humanitarian assistance including disarmament and demobilization programs and economic reconstruction efforts in Rwanda:

∙ Functional mechanisms for relief, recovery and rehabilitation of women refugees in Rwanda;

∙ Gender integrated programs for inclusion and participation of women in humanitarian, early recovery, relief and peace building programs are established;

∙ Reinforce response mechanisms and structures for women's access to socio - economic services and rights.

5. Policy frameworks to support effective participation of women in regional and international peace processes are developed:

∙ Institutional capacity is strengthened to ensure that commitments to UNSCR 1325 and related resolutions are incorporated and acted upon;

∙ Inclusion and active engagement of women in regional and international mechanisms and forums for conflict prevention, management and peace building;

∙ Strengthened responsiveness of Rwandan forces to address SGBV;

∙ Research and documentation carried out to understand the needs of women and girls within the WPS agenda.


The earlier NAP was evaluated, and lessons learned from that were put at the forefront of design of this 2018-2022 NAP.  

The NAP includes a table listing which ministry/department/agency is responsible for implementing each of the overarching objectives and subset of outputs.  The point is clearly made that the NAP is “a living document; therefore yearly action plans will be developed, monitored and reported on in relation to the RNAP’s five pillars.”

A comprehensive M&E framework will be elaborated by Task Working Groups, with clear indicators and milestones against which progress will be assessed. Regular monitoring will also enable stakeholders to update, improve and adapt the action plans as contexts change.

However, despite the clarity of roles, tasks, anticipated outcomes and arrangements for regular monitoring and evaluation, no budget is allocated to implement the NAP.

Civil Society’s involvement in development of the 2018-2022 NAP:

There was countrywide participation of civil society in drawing up the NAP.   Civil society is also represented on the steering committee responsible for overseeing its implementation and monitoring.

UN Peacekeeping Statistics:

Since 2004 Rwanda has been an important contributor to peacekeeping missions organised by the UN and the African Union, and Rwanda continues to be a major contributor. In 2019 the UN recognised the considerable contributions Rwanda had made to its peacekeeping efforts around the world.

At May 2023 Rwanda was the fourth largest contributor to UN missions with 5905 personnel on active duty.  

Women’s role in peacekeeping:

However, women comprise only 9.3% of that total 5905, though women do make up larger proportions of the police units and military officers, as can be seen in the table below:

References and Sources:

Rwanda’s 2018-2022 NAP is at: *Rwanda-NAP-2-2018-2022.pdf (

Other policy documents relating to Rwanda’s 2018-2022 NAP, commitment to WPS and  gender equality can be found on the Rwanda Government’s website at:


UN’s special tribute to Rwanda for its contribution to peacekeeping missions:

List of countries by number of UN peacekeepers - Wikipedia (2021)

Contribution of Uniformed Personnel to UN by Country, Mission and Personnel Type (May 2023) 05-Missions Detailed By Country

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