Afghanistan adopted its first NAP in 2015 for the period 2015-2022. The possibility of the current government developing a further NAP is unclear.
Objectives/Aims of the 2015-2022 NAP:
∙ Increased participation of women in the decision making and executive levels of the Civil Service engaged in security, peace and re-integration processes;
∙ Women’s active participation in national and provincial elections;
∙ Women’s access to an effective, active and accountable justice system;
∙ Health and psychosocial support for survivors of sexual and domestic violence throughout Afghanistan;
∙ Protection of women from all types of violence and discrimination;
∙ Provision of financial resources for activities related to women in emergency;
∙ Implementation of IDPs policy provisions related to UNSCR 1325;
∙ An end to impunity for violence against women (VAW) and related crimes;
∙ Engaging boys and men in fighting Violence Against Women;
∙ Supporting and providing capacity building for civil society (particularly women’s organisations) on UNSCR 1325 and women, peace, and security;
∙ Increased economic security for vulnerable women through increased employment opportunities;
∙ Increased access to education and higher education for girls and women, particularly for internally displaced persons and returnees.
Afghanistan has been ravaged by insecurity, violent conflict and political instability since 2001. War continues to have a devastating impact on women and children, compounded by the return to power of the Taliban in 2021. Many women journalists, politicians and judges have been forced to flee the country, and early in 2023 local women were banned from working for the UN and other international agencies. The likelihood of a new NAP being developed in the current political climate is uncertain.
Civil Society’s engagement in development of the 2015-2022 NAP
The 2015-2022 NAP was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which headed up a Steering Committee to work with other government departments, civil society, and international agencies on implementation of the NAP. At drafting stage, representatives of civil society were included in meetings with the Steering Committee and the Technical Working Group. However, the extent to which civil society, particularly groups representing women and girls’ interests, will be included in development of a further NAP is unclear.
UN Peacekeeping Statistics
Currently Afghanistan does not make any contribution to UN police or military peacekeeping forces.
Women’s role in peacekeeping
Implementation of the 2015-2022 NAP was not supported by budgetary funding; nor was civil society specifically mentioned with regard to participation in monitoring and evaluation exercises. However, implementation of the NAP was eclipsed by the return to power of the Taliban in 2021, and women are unlikely to participate meaningfully in any peace and mediation processes that may take place in the foreseeable future, despite calls for their involvement by the UN and related agencies.
Afghanistan’s National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 – Women, Peace & Security: