Malta introduced its first nap in 2020, spanning a five-year period from 2020 to 2024. Malta’s NAP falls in line with its Development policy and Gender policy and is structured around four pillars: Prevention, Participation, Promotion and Partnership.
Objectives/Aims of the 2020-2024 NAP:
Pillar 1: Promotion of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda Domestically and Internationally
Pillar 2: Prevention of all Forms of Violence, including Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)
Pillar 3: Increased Participation and Representation of Women at all Decision-Making Levels, including Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
Pillar 4: Increased and Strengthened Partnerships to Accomplish the WPS Agenda Domestically
Monitoring and Evaluation:
The Minister for Foreign and European Affairs has appointed an Oversight Committee which include representatives from government ministries, civil society, academia and independent individuals with relevant experience and expertise to ensure this is most effective.
All the above has very robust measures in place to ensure implementation and goals met.
See Appendix for additional information.
Prior to the NAP, Malta has been engaged in domestic and international gender work. They have signed and adopted the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), the Istanbul Convention (2014) and introduced the Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Domestic Violence (DV) Act in 2018. Furthermore, in 2017 Malta created their first Council for Women’s Rights and launched the Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence Strategy and Action Plan, which was the first national framework to address victims’ needs legislatively. In 2019 Malta’s female employment rose to 66.1% due to female empowerment and inclusion programmes. In the same year, Malta signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (OP-CEDAW), signalling its ongoing commitment to WPS issues. Malta is equally committed to preventing human trafficking through their Anti-Human Trafficking Monitoring Committee set-up in 2011 and the United Nations Blue Heart Campaign.
An evaluation process of the first National Action Plan will commence at the end of 2023 and will end in June 2024, and preparations for the second National Action Plan, which will cover the period 2025-2029, will then start. The evaluation process will also include recommendations.
The second NAP will be based on recommendations made during the first implementation phase and will include consultations with government ministries and entities as well as civil society.
The NAP will be monitored and evaluated by an oversight committee comprising of representatives from government ministries, academic experts and civil society groups appointed by the Minister for Foreign and European Affairs. Malta has also established its first Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security, representing Malta on all matters concerning WPS.
Civil society involvement in development of the NAP:
The Maltese Government has partnered with appropriate National organisations, including civil society groups, to ensure their inclusion in the NAP's development, review, monitoring and evaluation.
UN peacekeeping statistics:
Statistics published by UN Peacekeeping for 31 November 2023, show that the following:

Women’s role in peacekeeping:
This NAP focuses on the role of women in peacekeeping by:
- Promoting the equal representation of women in leadership positions within the Civil Service and other Government Entities.
- Strengthen the voices and build the confidence of young women to participate in conflict-prevention and mediation, as well as peacebuilding activities by equipping them with knowledge.
- Encourage and increase the recruitment and retention of women in the Armed Forces.
- Improve and strengthen the connection between Women, Pace and Security (WPS) and Youth, Peace and Security (YPS).
References and Sources:
National Actional Plan of Malta:
The Elsie Initiative: The Elsie Initiative Fund (