Women Peacekeepers in Short Supply
June 28, 2017
June 21, 2017: Next week, António Guterres will mark six months in what has been called “the most impossible job on earth,” the position of United Nations secretary-general. During his tenure he has sought with mixed success to build a relationship with Nikki Haley, United States President Donald Trump’s UN envoy, at a time of historic turbulence between the UN and its host and (for now) largest donor. U.S. President Donald Trump has proposed cutting $1 billion from the U.S. peacekeeping bill. Haley has stated that the goal is "better and smarter" missions. If so, one place that she and Guterres could find common cause is in increasing the number of women serving in UN peace operations. See full article: U.S. Peacekeeping: Where Are All the Women? (theglobalobservatory.org)