Women a key part of UN focus on prevention of conflict
June 28, 2017
'The future of United Nations peace operations: implementation of the recommendations of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations'
Report of the Secretary-General
2nd September 2015
See: http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/70/357 The UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, in response to the recommendations of the High-Level Panel on Peace Operations, highlighted three main areas: the need to bring Prevention and Mediation to the fore and develop stronger capacities for conflict prevention; to plan and manage DPKO to enable quicker, more flexible and responsive peace operations; and the need for stronger regional partnerships in peace operations.
He said, ‘Improving the representation of women in senior leadership has been a long - standing priority of mine. Gender diversity in leadership teams brings important perspectives and enables missions to engage a broader section of the population. Currently 23 per cent of heads of mission and 17 per cent of deputy heads of mission are female. I encourage Member States to share profiles of qualified women candidates for consideration as part of a global response to bring women to the fore.’ There was a welcome focus on links between peace, security and human rights, and a shared sense of purpose with the building of peaceful societies as laid out in Sustainable Development Goal 16.
Action was to be taken to strengthen the pre-deployment training of troop and police personnel, and action to extinguish the scourge of sexual abuse from Peace Operations. It was emphasised that nation states needed to commit to making more contribution in troops, police and money to address the spectre of conflict in the world. The intergovernmental discussions are to take place shortly.