NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller
May 21, 2022

NATO’s International Military Staff (IMS) hosted their third “Deep Dive”session on 9 May, this time focusing on the importance of integrating a gender perspective in co-operative security plans. This included looking at how a gender dimension is important to strengthening security and projecting stability through partnerships and dialogue.

Ms Terhi Lehtinen, member of the EU’s Military Staff (EUMS) said “there is a new momentum to integrate a gender perspective in capacity building and as a means to improve operational effectiveness in military operations.”

Speaking for the Military Co-operation Division within the SHAPE Partnership Diectorate (SHAPE-PD), Ms Paola Pasini said NATO is inviting colleagues to make sure their institutions guarantee “a team of experts to protect equity and respect.”  Currently SHAPE offers 15 courses for partner nations in regards to training on the gender perspective.

SecurityWomen welcomes NATO’s leadership on this integration of a gender perspective in partnership frameworks which sets a standard for other military institutions to follow.

For the full story please see here

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