Major General Anita Asmah becomes the UN’s first African woman Force Commander

UNIC Accra
December 17, 2024

On December 11, 2024, UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Ghana’s Major General Anita Asmah as the Head of Mission and Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) in the Golan Heights. Major General Asmah is making history as the UN’s first African woman Force Commander.

Asmah holds 31 years of leadership experience in the Ghana Armed Forces and in UN Peacekeeping. She previously served as Deputy Force Commander of UNDOF from 2021 to 2023, where she also served as acting Force Commander for 3 months.

“I am happy and whole heartedly accept this role to serve. I am so in love with the mission, country and people.  It is an opportunity to lessen their suffering,” Major General Asmah said in an interview.

Asmah went on to note the UN Uniformed Gender Parity Strategy (2018–2028), which has helped increase women’s participation in peacekeeping, as well as called for further incentives to boost parity before the end of the strategy’s implementation.

By achieving this historic milestone, Major General Asmah paves the way for more women to pursue leadership roles in global security. Her achievement not only marks progress for the African continent but also underscores the critical importance of ensuring diverse leadership in fostering inclusive and sustainable peace worldwide. It is a reminder that women’s perspectives and leadership are essential to overcoming the world’s most pressing security challenges.

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