Photo Credit
The photo is by Albert Gonzalez Farran / UNAMID. It is of 89 new Rwandan police women in 2010 who arrived at El Fasher (Darfur) to work for UNAMID

The purpose of SecurityWomen is to act as an advocacy organisation for the inclusion of more women in security sector institutions, including the military and police forces. SecurityWomen operates on a global basis.

SecurityWomen aims to highlight news items, academic papers, publications and reports on the subject of Women Peace and Security, and to monitor progress in the development of gender equality in security institutions, in particular, the increase of women in decision-making positions and advances towards a 50:50 gender balance.

Women In Security

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Analysis of Gender Equality within the Security Sector in Indonesia

April 25, 2024

Indonesia's geographical diversity can pose logistical challenges in implementing gender equality initiatives uniformly across regions due to remote and isolated areas that may face additional barriers to promoting gender equality in security sectors due to limited infrastructure and resources.

Wes Widjonarko

Video by Vanessa Newby, WIIS Netherlands, for SecurityWomen Conference

November 1, 2023

Vanessa Newby, President of WIIS Netherlands, produced this video for SecurityWomen's Conference October 2023

Vanessa Newby

Do women make organisations better?

November 1, 2023

Here is a clip of the BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour programme broadcast on 26th September 2023 which asks the above question and gives the example of policing.

The impact of anti-genderism on the Women Peace and Security Agenda in Central and Eastern Europe

August 26, 2023

Recently Europe has been witnessing the rise of the anti-gender movement, a series of interventions publicly opposing the so-called “gender ideology”. The anti-gender actors successfully managed to mobilise people against issues related to women’s rights, including reproductive services, marriage equality, sex education, gender studies and gender mainstreaming (Grzebalska et al., 2017). What started as an isolated incident in countries such as France, Croatia, Hungary or Poland, quickly transcended borders and became a transnational movement (Kuhar and Zobec, 2017), spreading across Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe.

Florina-Marieta Neagu

Service Complaints Ombudsman/person for the UK Armed Forces

August 23, 2023

The Ombudsman/person is an independent body, in its more recent 2016 incarnation, appointed by the Ministry of Defence, providing impartial oversight of the Service Complaints system for members of the UK Armed Forces. There are similar Ombudspeople in a number of countries.

Emily Dixon

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